I have never really considered myself as a programmer, more of a shift and make the code work person. Having done a fair bit VB (gasp a mac user using windows) I am finding that I am picking up coding a lot quicker and also finding it easier to modify things mainly this website.
Whilst the theme itself is great there are things I want my way as such the theme your are looking at is a rapid departure from the original code in places and equally the same in others. I am about a quarter of the way through a book on AJAX and a third of the way through reading the Ruby on Rails books I bought a while back and will probably re-read them because I wasn’t too sure about programming the first time around (and also because I tried to jump in the deep end)
I took me awhile to get the Portfolio image rotator to work properly on my server from the download, but something happened that never has happened before, I understood what the code was doing without reading into how it works in the first place I could see that it called a style-sheet that I didn’t work so I modified it and it worked, it took all of 20 minutes, something that would usually take me a weekend to get my head around.