Why Mac OS X is really better than Vista

What a subject, and one subject to heated debate on both sides. but lets forget who started there photocopiers first and look at what makes Mac OS X better than Windows and more specifically Vista.

So both OSes are good at what they are meant to do;manage hardware resources, its all a OS has to do and they both do it well, but on-top of that there’s the nice pretty glass(aero/aqua if you prefer) on-top and then the applications themselves, the stuff we all use.

So Windows has VB and its various implementations of C for your coding no real clear cut way of making a program for people like me (beginner) but VB is extremely simple to get your foot through the door. So what about Mac OSX while theres Automator & Applescript and there’s Xcode and all that encompasses: cocoa and carbon. This is what makes the Mac much better from a users perspective and quite possibly a developers perspective also, there’s a clearly defined way to code and make the program, Apple has created extensive frameworks to code for and into, theres no complicated way of making your own chances are there already in the OS. An example of this would be creating a zip, typically on windows you would get winzip and zip up the file, with Mac OSX and Quicksilver a few key presses launch up the framework and compress the file to whatever you want.

So what makes it better, the simplicity of making extensible programs without the program being sick with DLLs and files on the Hard Disk, only one OS gives this seamlessly without hassle and you guessed it’s the Mac.

The Code Makes Sense

I have never really considered myself as a programmer, more of a shift and make the code work person. Having done a fair bit VB (gasp a mac user using windows) I am finding that I am picking up coding a lot quicker and also finding it easier to modify things mainly this website.

Whilst the theme itself is great there are things I want my way as such the theme your are looking at is a rapid departure from the original code in places and equally the same in others. I am about a quarter of the way through a book on AJAX and a third of the way through reading the Ruby on Rails books I bought a while back and will probably re-read them because I wasn’t too sure about programming the first time around (and also because I tried to jump in the deep end)

I took me awhile to get the Portfolio image rotator to work properly on my server from the download, but something happened that never has happened before, I understood what the code was doing without reading into how it works in the first place I could see that it called a style-sheet that I didn’t work so I modified it and it worked, it took all of 20 minutes, something that would usually take me a weekend to get my head around.