“Lets Double Tuition Fees”.


Many universities in England and Wales want a sharp increase in tuition fees, a survey by BBC News has concluded.

England’s Higher Education Minister David Lammy said there was an “important debate to be had”.
BBC News

New Labor – “Education, Education, Education”
Tony Blair said it, and Gordon Brown has re-iterated it. Yet both Brown and Blair have very little to show for it except a big hole in the budget, no one can actually say education has improved significantly, yes in places it has but the overall picture is very much the same as it was 11 years ago.

The net result is a heavily neglected Higher Education System, the solution was to get the student to contribute to the pot in addition to the government. As we already know money is being spent left right and center to get us out a recession we are already well entrenched in and it looks to be many years before we are out of it.

The one sure fire way to make sure we can stay strong through any recession is to make sure we have well educated and trained people, yet the government policy seems to be actively discourage students from pursuing higher education by burdening them with more and more debt.

Stop the government making another mistake sign the petition here:

StudyUSA.co.uk Coming Soon

StudyUSA.co.ukAs you may know, I am seriously looking at going to University in the USA (quite why I aren’t sure)

When I have been looking around the net for information and how things in the US differ from here in the UK, I got fustrated. There loads of information lots of it very useful to the international student but its buried, hidden or just in obscure places of the internets and theres no filter and central resource for all this infromation.

Whats a Geek to do?

Well its quite simple really by a domain and make a new website combining all this information into something useful and incredibly help to international students just like me. Who ever said I was selfish?

The basic idea is for a wiki like site were people can come and submit things and also a huge list of links and information, to help you and me make the right choices. The sites not about taking all the credit for all the information thats out there it providing a place were all the information comes together so its easy to access what you want.

I should have the site ready by the end of the week and ready for content, which looks like it may just be me in the beginning but I hope to make a community out of the project if it all works.