RIAA = Fools

RIAA NO!RIAA misreads Jobs open letter on DRM, thinks hes offering to license FairPlay – Engadget

Yet again the RIAA is on the train to nowhere, seen as Steve Jobs said in his “Thoughts on Music” Apple would not be licensing fairplay, its either no DRM or Apple owns there system, the RIAA says “Apple your thinking like us, lets start licensing FairPlay DRM” (they didn’t say it like that, but you get the idea)

Gotta love em, they just can’t help making a fool of themselves whilst spending millions suing people.

Apple Computer Inc. Now Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. iPhoneIt certainly has been a big afternoon/morning (depending on where you live) for Apple. Finally the iPhone sees the light of day and my god was it worth the weight, more information on the Apple TV (iTV) and all the usual fanfare.

I wasn’t expecting the keynote to end without the usual iLife and iWork Updates (though it does save my wallet) I was already and prepared to shell out for it. I can only imagine that some sort of update will be coming with Leopard to entice me, not that I Really need that much enticing.

Apple Inc. Well done, you still manage to prove the rumors right about something but wrong about the actual hardware itself and also have put to bed the most recurring rumor ever.

The Best of Both Worlds

Parallels Windows in Coherence ModeParallels have release a new BETA of there Virtualization Application for mac os x with many updates, the biggest of which being “Coherence” this things rocks, so much its untrue.

How about Windows Taskbar at the bottom of the page and mac os x everywhere else, thats right the holy grail of being able to run everything you could ever want has been acheived. Apples’ decision to switch to intel seems all but justified now.

Running windows apps as if they were mac apps without have to have a separate window open is genius, how the hell they manage to do it is beyond me. What I do know is Macs are most definitely going from strength to strength and a actually think Parallels would be a welcomed acquisition for Apple, because Leopard could take this stuff and run to such a level were you can no longer tell you are virtualizing windows. For example download a file with safari that happens to be an .exe, double click it and windows opens it. Simple elegant and apple all over.

Come apple this is certainly a feature i would love to see in Leopard (if it isnt already in there)

Sorting the piracy mess

I though I would take a break and post something else that really gets me.

We all know that piracy has ended up as a monumental PR mess for the record industry, and it is a undisputed fact that the industry in general were far too late and couldn’t adopt the same model they do in the shops so invented DRM (lets not go any further into this)

I love music as much as the next man, but when a consumer thinks their being ripped of they will always find a new way, the internet provides such a way. So when Napster and Kazaa came along the consumers went there instead of going to the local music store, by the time the industry realised just how big this was they had only one option left to sue everything and everybody related to this P2P software. As a resulting pissing off there next generation customers and the ones they already had, and along the way giving themselves and P2P developers bad press.

Continue reading “Sorting the piracy mess”

Weekend In London

The time has come the mac-expo shame I couldn’t get to the rest of the event but Saturday should still be good. I will be posting some more stuff related to the Expo over the weekend. You have to love the free BT Openzone account I have.

Apple’s (Product) Red

iPod Nano RedSo Apple have a new (Product) Red Nano, and there has been an uproar against the miniscule $10 apple is giving per iPod, without me getting ranting and annoying.

Where would the campaign be without Apple, fair enough it is a small amount but Apple is Cool and also everywhere, if you haven’t got an ipod your nobody, so the upshot of that being free advertising. Its like FCUK putting slogans on the front of t-shirts that you need to read twice to make sure what they actual say. Red iPod, does good and also gives the publicity it needs to get more companies on board, in short never think one sided about these things.

We need to get a grip

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reports that the glass Cube Apple erected earlier this year on New York’s tony Fifth Ave, dubbed Apple Mecca by many of the Mac faithful, is offensive to Muslims Muslim community offended by Apple’s Fifth Avenue NYC Cube – The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)

We are fast becoming a world wide culture of everything that we do offends somebody or other and that if we moan it will change something. The simple fact is de-railing a project simple because it offends is not good enough.

Also the fact there are so many people/organisations that it becomes a vicious cycle. The internet has gave us many things a place to voice or concerns and a place were everybody is heard, but it also a place were disinformation and exaggeration is rife, using the example above when has any apple Genius Bar every served Alcoholic Beverages.

A Little Knowledge is dangerous. So is a lot. – Albert Einstein