German & French Pensions at 300% GDP

French pension liabilities 303.81% of GDP, German pension liabilities 281% of GDP vs UKs 90.92%. French + German liabilities total nearly half of all pension liabilities across the 19 EU states.

And the Euro is going to stick around for the rest of the year, I think not. Its debt on-top of debt on-top of debt – it might as well be swiss cheese. Infact futures in cheeseare probably a safer bet than Euro futures.

From the horses mouth.

‘By contrast, State-funded pension obligations in France and Germany are three times the gdp of those two countries. Together they total 13.9 trillion euros, VERY NEARLY HALF of the pension bills of the 19 nation States studied by Freiburg’s authors, Christoph Mueller, Bernd Raffelhueschen and Olaf Weddige. –

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