I almost get Twitter, I think.

OK, so I will be the first to admit I am quite the geek but I didn’t really get twitter. Fair enough I have had an account but it wasn’t until last night that the penny finally dropped.

So I have twitter in my AIM account, but have never really done anything with it. “track iron man” the 3 words that brought about the revelation that made twitter make sense to me.

Within seconds I had 30 messages, all relating to our favorite subject Iron Man. Not content with just one subject I added a couple more, and then shut down AIM. Unfortunately for my iphone it was ill equipped to deal with that many messages in one go, so mobile messaging is now disabled. I think twitter is one of those weird things you come across that you have to have being using it for a couple of weeks, before you actually get it. 

Heres to Twitter!!

Its one of those things that snowballs, I don’t think I post that much but the information I get out of twitter is invaluable. Like:

Stay until the end of Iron Man, there’s an extra scene.

Also its nice to just be able to post, that witty one liner you just came up with ;-).