Bootcamps Back


So I have put Windows back on on my macbook, and it certainly does fly. Shame it defeats the point of my mac but I need Windows for Visual Basic so needs must, but I do spend as little as possible in windows as I can.

The Price of being an early adopter

Apple LogoAs anyone who knows me will tell you, I love having the latests gadgets and using them and having fun until then up on my desk doing preciosu little.

We get to the intel macs and I had at that time only just purchased a iMac G5 weeks before hand, I still stuck to the G5 because thats what I wanted. I kept my eye on the transistion and decided if I got good GCSEs I would treat myself to a shiny macbook (nothing fancy my iMac does that) I just wanted a computer I could cart around with me and just pick up and start work anywhere. – Good Idea Right

So I haven’t had it replaced or anything go wrong – yet – but I have had certain unlike apple issues with my new gadget, first bad firmware; tempurate 100C not good – Apple fixed this with firmware update the day a got the macbook so problem solved. Second failed startups from cold, if I leave my macbook off for an extended ime when i came around to booting it up again it would just not boot unless i zapped the PRAM, after digging from sometime and watching the kernal kick off the boot sequence (command+V for those who are interested) and some creative googling it looks as if my problem was with BootCamp which I only installed as a toy anyway so as of this posting I have; removed boot camp, cleared all the log files, zapped the PRAM, cleared caches, and repaired disk permissions. So only time will tell if my booting problem will be fixed.