The Problem with Making Apps for a closed market.

Take a look at any Facebook Profile or iPhone Home Screen and you can see how lucrative the closed market is. But with one click your benovolent provider can remove the need for your application by implementing the same application as a native feature. That is to say Apple denying applications to the app store because they are developing the same feature or adding a feature which negates a £4.99 app.

Facebook has done the dirty on the Birthday Reminders Applications, by implementing birthday notifcation into Facebook by default.

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The Problem with Open – Android vs iPhone.

There has been lots of talk about Apple is doomed to fail with the iPhone as a software Platform and the Android platform is going to be so much better, simple because its open.

Firstly, take a look at the iPhone. Its a fantastically designed device, and the attention to detail is insane – that’s not to say the Android platform isn’t. But it is a sensible justification that the platform needs to slightly closed to allow a continuity of quality to be maintained. Secondly, the iTunes to iPhone facility has yet to face any real competition, its far from perfect but there is a seamless connection from buying to using. You click buy and the app or music is downloaded and synced to your phone, without having to drag and drop, move or do anything manually. However there is growing concern that the closed nature of the platform will be its undoing see Pull My Finger [1] Continue reading “The Problem with Open – Android vs iPhone.”